17 September, 2011

Phono 1.5f phone number input bug

Physical keyboard doesn't work properly when you try to insert the Phone number in the preferences.
We will fix it on the next release, sorry!
Thanks to Mark for to reported it!

13 September, 2011

Phono 1.5f Update

First than all, no news for SGS2 issue.....please read here: http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=18336 this isn't Phono issue......

Here what new:

Moved Phono notification from notification area to ongoing area (hope it will be less annoying)
Added landscape activity layout (thanks to Werner for ICONIA A501 test)
Added APN infos in the activity

New logos:
Qtel 42701
Vodafone 42702

Virgin Mobile US 310053

Changed logos:
Telenet instead of Globus

Improved/fixed logos:
Italy, Greek and Canadain:
Wind logos will be improved (thanks to Tommaso for testing)

Please Note:
I would like remember to everybody would have a logo inserted in Phono to specify the mcc&mnc.

08 September, 2011

Phono next release ToDo (1.5f)

The next release will include the new following logos:

Qtel 42701
Vodafone 42702

Virgin Mobile US 310053

Telenet instead of Globus

Italy, Greek and Canadain:
Wind logos will be improved

....others news could be...... ;)

About dual sim device request.....

I recived some request for to support (better) dual sim devices, unfortunately my reserch don't give a positive results, indeed Android doesn't has a API for dual sim, the Android release for these kinds of devices is not standard it is personalized from the producer.....I ask to the company produced these devices if they have a public API available....I'm waiting for answers!

Here the answer:
Dear Apus,

Thanks for your mail.

However, due to tech concern, we are sorry that the information you need is not available to be provided.

Sorry for not being help. Should you still have other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us again. We look forward to being of your service.

Best Regards,

I'm sorry....

07 September, 2011

Back at work

Hi all, after a short holiday I'm back at work, so I start to sort out and satisfy all the request received!