IMPORTANT:Please after installation remember to open the activity for to prevent an fc(solved from 1.5).....if you'll get wrong logo on widget remove and replace it.
Hallo, in list isn't Postemobile logo, it's more important virtual mobile phone operator in Italy... it's under Vodafone mobile phone line... greetings, thank you
Not a problem, scheduled for the next update, but i need to know the mcc code, you will find it in the Phono activity near the nation field, something start with 222x. Thanks
Hi Tom, open Phono activity (app menu or tap on widget) menu botton, preferences, widget notification, choose the kind of notification you wish to recive (always, only if in roaming, never). Thats all Thanks Stefano
I'm working on, i have to find a trick because android doesn't support natively the dual SIM devices so developers hasn't the instrument to implement it. Thanks
Ciao Diego, i tryed to do it but the text disappears after some seconds, unfortunatly the logo is the only way for to have a permanent message in the status bar,,,,,, I`m thinking about it again but will be not a sure and fast result....., Tell me witch logo you use, i could try to do it more visible as possible. Thanks Stefano
Probably the feature Tom requested at October 11, 2010 12:50 AM was implemented; I can use the app with only the operator logo now (stating: Not in Roaming.@OPERATOR time time)
However I think there is a little bug. As soon as I start roaming the antenna icon nicely informs me about being on the costly side. But when I come back in my own country the antenna icon remains (with text: In Roaming.@OPERATOR time time). This text should be cleared and the antenna icon should be removed.
Haven't check the app out in much detail, but I think i'm going to like it ;-)
Hi infernose, sure we are able. Will be included in 1.3c release. This will be the last request for this release, all the futures will be included in the next one.
Thanks for adding Slovenian operators in version 1.3c, works good. Only Tusmobil logo is not good visible, I would suggest only to add logo without text, like this,r:13,s:326&biw=1073&bih=676
Bug report: Verizon logo showing with Sprint service. Widget and program state Sprint in text which is right, however shows Verizon logo depicted on app, widget and status bar
@ Brandon We worked on your issue and we don't find apparently any error on code, we would suggest you to remove the widget from home and replace it again. Please let us know the result! If the problem persist take a look to on activity (tap on widget) and let us know witch logo it show and the country code showed near the nation, in your case 310120. Thanks
Stefano grazie per la risposta, trovo il vs. widget davvero carino e con un aspetto molto professionale. Sul mio telefono alla voce "nome della linea" non compare niente, questo mi ha fatto pensare se fosse possibile visualizzare il nome o la sigla della cella che si sta utilizzando, presumo abbiano un codice. Un saluto ciao!
@Roberto Il nome della linea è un campo che viene utilizzato in modi purtroppo diversi, in alcuni paesi viene usato per le sim che hanno più numeri di telefono e quindi identifica la linea al momento attiva (es:privata o lavoro), sono certo che questo metodo è utilizzato dal 90% dei provider, sulle sim tedesche invece è usato per scrivere il nome di eventuali operatori virtuali. Il nome linea è comunque un campo legato alla sim e non alla cella. Certamente le celle hanno un nome, di solito numerico e abbastanza inutile, comunque ne stavamo parlando tra di noi proprio ieri sera, quindi non escluderei che in una delle prossime release tu possa trovare alcune informazioni in più sulla cella! Grazie e per qualsiasi altra curiosità o richiesta non farti scrupoli a contattarci.
ciao Stefano, ho installato la tua app e devo dire tutto ok.nella barra delle notifiche ho anche l'indicatore di batteria(%)a sx e la scritta operatore viene potrebbe spostare il logo operatore da sx a dx? vicino la barra del mio operatore è tim e il logo è piccolo.grazie
@nick1004 Grazie Nick per il commento, ho letto anche a quello che hai scritto sul market, ti rispondo a punti: - Logo tim Purtroppo è un problema dei loghi rettangolari, la dimensione standard è 40x40, ma se il logo è rettangolare.... - Logo a destra Purtroppo la parte destra della barra è riservata al sistema, non c'è modo di intervenire con una apk su quel lato. (per cortesia mi manderesti più dettagli sulla apk della batteria in modo da cercare di ricreare la situazione?). - Operatore in testo È purtroppo impossibile mettere del testo permanente nella barra, quello che vedi permanente è sempre una icona.
Hi Sarah, there is nothing behind that, this permission is used for to get a broadcast receiver when your mobile connection change and shows it on widgets (all the Phono widgets shows the mobile data status with on or off and 4x1 shows with graphical icon). If you look deep on the requested permission Phono use only the view network state class. I hope my explain clears your dubt althought contact me via mail. Thanks
@Daniele Noverca is a mobile virtual operator that uses other operator's network, is therefore currently impossible to distinguish it from the network owner, but we are working on....we need only time ...thanks and sorry
Noverca è un operatore mobile virtuale che si appoggia a reti di altri operatori, è quindi al momento impossibile poterlo distinguere dal proprietario della rete, ci stiamo comunque lavorando, abbiamo solo bisogno di un po' di tempo.....mi spiace grazie Ps se vuoi maggiori spiegazioni scrivimi pure via mail.
Ciao, gran lavoro ragazzi! Segnalo solo una piccola inesattezza grafica nel logo dell'operatore italiano WIND. C'è una netta sfasatura tra la parte superiore e la parte inferiore: il puntino arancione dovrebbe corrispondere alla lettera "I" sottostante. Se il problema dovesse essere lo spazio a disposizione, allora vi suggerirei di lasciare solo la parte superiore del logo (straconosciuto da tutti), magari contornando la parte blu col bianco per gli sfondi scuri. PS: se può interessarvi "phono" funziona regolarmente anche su Acer Liquid con gingerbread 2.3.3
@Gino, Grazie della segnalazione, la inoltro a Tom (Phono Dev Team) che si occupa dei loghi. Perfetto, il problema del 2.3.3 sembra essere relativo al Samsung S2, grazie del test! ;)
innanzitutto i miei complimenti per l'ottimo widget, utile ed esauriente
poi avrei un suggerimento che sà di richeista informazioni ho notato che mettendo il telefono (garmin-asus a10 OS eclair) in modalità aereo segnalava, comunque, la potenza di segnale e se impostato il nome dell'operatore 'personalizzato' questo non spariva magari sarebbe più chiaro per l'utente aggiungere anche una piccola gif che 'sbarri' il logo operatore, a significare che al momento non viene usato il segnale GSM/GPRS oppure convertirlo in b/n...
I do already know that there is an issue regarding Honeycomb... I tried Phono today with my Acer ICONIA A501 (running 3.0.1; by the way this is an incredible device!) and the provider logo keeps on flashing on, off, on, off. This is really looking funny he he he he he he. When do you plan to release a new and fixed version?
Hi Werner, thanks for to support us :) I'm working on some other issues ....i think to release it middle/end of next week, if you could not wait write me a mail a will send you the Phono with honeycomb issue fixed ;) Ciao Stefano
@mike, please write me a mail, I have some questions (eg: is it happen from last release with honeycomb notification fix or it happened before too?) . Thanks
@Stu, i'm sorry there isn't a way, caused logos must be compiled inside the apk, but isn't a problem, send me the mnc (you will find it in the Phono activity near country field) and i will add it in the next update.
hello I like very much the operator's logo in status area but I don't like notify "phono-operator status" in notify area. Is it possible to hide it? thank you
Stefano, Great app. but one suggestion. The 1x4 and 4x4 widgets have transparent backgrounds but the 1x2 does not. Is it possible to have the 1x2 widget changed to have a transparent background?
@mbw722, hi Mark, I'm happy you like Phono, 2x1 has transparent style, its named ghost (black or white is the same after color text introduction) . Write me for any future request.
Stefano, Great job and thanks for making my home screen even better with your awesome widgets, however I see in your country and nation code list you have Airtel India 40440,40431,40551 I am on Airtel India too but my code is 40445, please update that if its not much of a trouble. One thing more Airtel india has changed there LOGO recently, I don't know what logo is there in your database already but the new logo is
@samuel, Thanks to appreciate it, your request is scheduled for the next release. The logo you sent is exactly what we used (without the Airtel text). Thanks for your help
@cchigan86: before I translate your post:"Hi, I found an error while roaming program does not write this as a fix?"
answer: could you write me a mail? I need more details! till now nobody report roaming problems, I have a device constantly in roaming and Phono works perfectly.
@redvex, no it will not fix cause isen't a Phono bug as you can read here: I'm sorry, believe me!
I'd like to have the operator name (or abbreviation, ex.: TIM) on the status bar instead of the operator logo. I see that others also requested the same in the past.
I know that you can't display text on the status bar, but the solution is very simple: just provide an icon set of logos containing only the operator name (i.e. text as an image).
Otherwise you could allow the user to select his own image set for logos.
Logos are often small and difficult to be recognized, especially when somebody travels abroad and is connected in roaming.
@andrea, ciao andrea e grazie di aver scritto. Text logo: we are already experimenting this solution. Custom logos: Unfortunately Android does not allow png placed outside the apk for the statusbar icons. For more details write me. Ciao
hi thanx for creating phono. i like it very much. is it possible to have the option, not to show the phono operator status in the Notification border. it is taking space and i can see all info with the widgets. thanx
@17eb42, thank you to appreciate it! What you asked is already possible (preferences -> show logo in statusbar) but it disables logo in status bar too.....if you want the logo on status bar the notification way is the only possible.
Congrats for your Phono app! I use it on a regular basis and I have to tell you that it is great. In my opinion the best "Antenna app" in the Android market. One little tip: In the android market use more keywords on the page of your app. This will help users spot your app more easily and will boost the downloading Some keywords are: antenna widget, gsm, antenna signal and so on
Ciao, ho scaricato oggi l'App per il mio cellulare android! Siccome non ho trovato l'impostazione, vorrei chiedere se è possibile ricevere un alert (solo se siamo in roaming) prima di una chiamata e prima dell'invio di un sms (così posso sfruttare consapevolmente la mia tariffa flat sotto copertura del mio operatore principale) grazie mille!
@leonardinha, l'opzione che cerchi è nelle preferenze sotto il nome di notifiche del widget, automaticamente il sistema è impostato a segnalarti nella status bar attraverso una icona a forma di antenna rossa lo stato di roaming. Ti ricordo inoltre che il logo del gestore cambia quando sei in roaming (es: se hai tre e vai in roaming con tim il logo 3 verrà sostituito con quello tim) così pure per il nome operatore nel widget. Per ulteriore aiuto puoi utilizzare l'opzione richiesta logo specificando il problema nel menù di phono.
@Hlren Trivendi, the android 2.3 issue with samsung phones is a samsung bug ( and i'm sorry for this issue but I can't do or change nothing.....
Tata logo: Tata logo is already supported, please use "operator name" or "line name" method. Try out the logo helper in Phono menu for to set the right method. Here a little guide: If you'll get problems with it let me know. Thanks
Hello, Should I request and Czech language to Phono. It's a great program and has more settings just enough damage that it does not Czech. Please you very much. Thank you very much
@Broogle, unfortunately all PNG must be compiled and stored inside the apk....:( if you wish use colored 3 logos please set custom operator name 3dk (orange logo) 3uk (blue logo) and use the right method ( Don't be worry for the roaming it will warning anyway for Italy carriers. If you'll need more help write me a mail or post a comment here. Thanks
I would like to display in the status bar only the name, not the logo, you can add this feature in the next update of phono? I do not like logos displayed only operator name
expect a reply thanks and congratulations for the app
Hi there! Like Danny, I also have a dual-sim android phone - with two SIM-cards. Phono application only shows the details of the first SIM-card. I would appreciate it a lot if you had a dual-sim layout to the widget of your Android application with the details of the two SIM-cards, including status of the network like "Emergency calls only", for instance. Have you already thought about it? Best regards
Hi!, I already thought many times about it, but unfortunately Android does not support multiple SIMs, at least from the SDK. Device manufacturers who have created multi-SIM devices are doing so on their own. I already contact some of them for ask to publish the source code or an additional API to support multi sim....but they answered me that it is not is closed source.... :-( I'm sorry!
Would be nice to have an option to display only the operator icon persistently in the upper left corner, but without the full notification bar ("phono-operator status, not in roaming... @OP_NAME LAST_UPDATED").
I mean, icon says everything I want to know and the notification bar just clutters the notification area. I don't care if the op information was updated at 17:21:30 or 17:21:35, new email is more important, really.
Also if you have another app updating it's own notification bar like JuiceDefender, those bars keep shifting up and down, trading places.
Hi Konrad, you're right but isn't possible....for show icons on the status bar you need a notification and android doesn't allows to fix a position to it. A little solution could be to set enable the honeycomb fix in the Phono preferences and set the ongoing position to the notification (always in Phono preferences). Honeycomb fix will update the notification only if operator change, the ongoing option will fix the notification in the first position of the bar (not really the first but very close, it depends by other apk use it). Hope it will help. Thanks
Hi Damjan, Phono doesn't need an autostart , it listen for signal strenght change or connection change and it start, update the widget and get close. If you have problem at the boot please write me a mail. Thanks
I would like to set the network operator from within the app. Is it possible? Is there an API function which changes network operator? I would need something like "setNetworkOperator"... Any help how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated!
Ciao Pierpaolo, unfortunately or fortunately for safety reasons Android does not allow this function so programmatic but only through the system preferences. Regards
Ciao, you have to set a custom operator name and use the related method, following these steps: Open Phono Preferences Operator name (write 3uk for blue logo, 3dk for orange logo) an Ok button Menu Logo helper and tap over the colored logo to choose the right method.
Ciao non riesco più a vedere logo nella barra di stato. Non so cosa ho fatto... Ho provato a disinstallare app ma niente. Ho messo flag ma Nn lo visualizzo. Grazie :-(
Hello. I use a dual SIM phone. Currently, Phono only reports the status of the first SIM. Do you plan to support dual SIM phones in the future ? Thanks a lot
The problem isn't Phono, the Android API doesn't support dual sim device, every constructors of dual sim device develop them self the dual sim manager and they don't share the lib with other developers. I asked to many constructors support for it but they answered it's closed source.....I'm sorry!.
About the link you send me: this is a kernel not the api for developers....btw I will take a look for to understand if I could do something for improve dual sim manager....thanks
Buongiorno e complimenti per questa app sicuramente la migliore nel suo genere! Vorrei chiedervi se fosse possibile aggiornare il logo WIND in quanto in modo che nella barra di stato si veda bene... al momento è troppo scuro e quasi non si riesce a vedere! (Galaxy S2) Grazie e continuate così!
Quando passo da 3a tim in roaming viene visualizzato il logo tim con la descrizione si.vodafone. come mai? Quale è la ondicazione corretta? Tim o si.vodafone?grazie
Salve Paola, la scritta Vodafone le esce perché probabilmente ha messo nelle preferenze di phono il nome operatore, provi a cancellare il nome operatore e vedrà che tutto si sistema. Se avesse bisogno di ulteriore aiuto ci contatti pure. Grazie
Ho guardato tutte le opzioni ma ho visto che non si possono impostare i nomi degli operatori in roaming ma solo quello del proprio. Io ho 3 e quindi quando va in roaming su tim non posso impostare quel nome. Quindi non so proprio come poter fare per riproporre la descrizione corretta con il logo tim in modo che non compaia la descrizione si.vodafone che è un operatore sloveno. Potete dirmi passo passo eventuali operazioni da fare? Grazie
Per cortesia potrebbe usare la funzione "richiesta logo" dal menù di Phono sia quando è in roaming che quando non lo è per inviarmi due mail che mi aiutano a capire la situazione ed a darle il giusto supporto? Grazie
Buongiorno, ho installato questa app su un S4 su rete Wind: ol logo è piccolissimo e scro e quindi si vede pochissimo ( ma questo già ve lo hanno segnalato, però ho cercato di visualizzare anche la scritta dell'operatore (I Wind) l'ho anche inserita manualmente in NOME GESTORE. Niente ! non,lo visualizza. Se faccio riavviare il telefono si vede per un atimo e poi scompare. Come posso risolvere ?
Buongiorno Massimo, sul logo ci stiamo lavorando anche se non nascondo che è dura riuscire a farlo ben visibile. Per il nome dell'operatore nella barra invece non è possibile, android non permette testo permanente nella barra di stato. L'opzione che hai settato tu si riferisce esclusivamente al widget. Mi spiace. Graxie
Hi! Thanks for good widget! Please add the possibility not to display information in the notification, but the logo has remained in the status bar. Thanks in advance!
Hi...Help me. I own a huawei p7 with kitkat official rooted rom that does not change the carrier name only shows the icon. Besides this problem I suggest the option of replacing the name by operator logo and the creation a pro version of software with pro functions and not just donation option. Thanks.
Hi Jack, as answered on the play store Phono shows only the logo and not the carrier name, that's because Android doesn't support permanent text in the status bar.....I'm sorry for this, I already try in many way to add the carrier name but not one of these was enough acceptable to be included in the release....I'm very open to any suggestions if you want write me. Thanks
Great app thanks - it is installed on my 2 android phones and very convenient especially when using the phones in areas with poor network coverage.
Today I have noticed a small issue and wondered if you could resolve it. In fact the Phone Line Nr shown by phono is the original SIM card number and not the new one ported from another SIM card/Operator to the card.
Is there anyway your app could access and display the real - i.e. ported - number?
Hi Fred, thanks to using Phono, phone number is stored in the SIM card and cannot be modified, but you could set your number using the Phono preferences: menu->preferences->phone number and edit your right phone number. Hope it helps you, if you'll need more support write me for direct help. Thanks
Hi Eric, thanks to using Phono, I will think on it, the only problem I see is that not all the supported logos are readable if converted in lollipop style.....
Hi Eric, thanks to using Phono, I will think on it, the only problem I see is that not all the supported logos are readable if converted in lollipop style.....
Hi Eric, thanks to using Phono, I will think on it, the only problem I see is that not all the supported logos are readable if converted in lollipop style.....
hi stephano...first thank you to respond!!! it will be appreciate to have the bell logo " just the letters" in white configuration....keep your good work!!!
Thanks to use Phono! I will take a look your request, if it will be possible without add internet permission I will implement. I won't to give Internet Permission to Phono for preserving the users privacy and for not give to anybody the suspect of privacy issue. Thanks
Thank you for using Phono, unfortunately, Android does not natively supports dual SIM. Phono does not detect the second SIM because there are no tools in Android software developer kit to do it. I'm sorry!
I like to set the carrier logo for the custom operator name. I write the operator name and when i go to the logo helper i only see the operator name but i see no carrier logo. Can you help me please?
Added in 1.9e release as name logo based please use the right method to link the logo, use this little guide: Thanks
Hi, thanks to using Phono, I need to know where Phono doesn't change the provider name, in the widget? You have to know that the carrier name is a network parameter sending by the tower, Phono read it and could only change it in the widget.....Let me know. Thanks
Thanks to using Phono, unfortunately Phono shows only one sim that's because android doesn't support natively dual sim devices, so developers hasn't the instruments to do that. I'm sorry....
Hi support, I have a nexus 6p with Google project fi service. Phono stopped picking up the mobile data "on" flag. Hence app and widget always say Data off even then wifi is turned off. Please advise. Thanks. P.S: I have Uninstalled and reinstalled the app, and also tried deleting cache and memory.
Hi, are you using some kind of task manager app? I'm not able to replicate the issue, i'm on nexus 5x with android 7.1.1.....could you write me via email just to give you direct support? Thanks
Hi, I like this kind of widget application. The hard work shows in the display when running the app, say widget. First thanks for making this as widget and not as app. app requires tab everytime you need to know. Widget readily gives and i will look in to the settings for further working. My request is could the widget capture the char of the connected tower, technically known as cell id information, as i used to get thro nokia and samsung older phones. This gives operator logo and bunch of information, in a nice sized on home screen. Does that need cell provider permission. I have cell broadcast menu and when i enabled , it gives me that char (characer in name of the cell tower), but as SMS, Probably due to presence of menu in msg settings. Am i expecting something impossible. User would get the name of the tower from which he is getting the signal. If he moves, that shoul capture the current place information. expecting reply
Thanks Raj to use and appreciate Phono, what you request needs internet permission and we prefer don't gives this permission for privacy guarantee to the users. Hope you understand our position. Thanks
I'm sorry but unfortunately there is no way to show the second sim slot.... android doesn't support natively dual sim device, so developers hasn't the instrument for implement this function.
Hi, I am using your phono and it is nice to see all the things of screen of selection in phone screen. But when wifi and mobile data are both selected, what would be your status. If i closes the mobile data the icon go red and if i open, it turns red. What if i select wifi, the icon remains red, as that relates to mobile data. where to find the wifi icon? pl. Moreover, kindly look in to the phono display. My device storage is wrongly shown as SD storage and vice versa. Would you care to look in to this
Hi Raj, thanks to using Phono and to wrote a nice review about it! The flag is only related to the mobile data, Phono suppose that if you are on WiFi your mobile data are off. I don't know which device are you using, but on Nexus (SD not present) Phono shows as SD the data partition. Hope it can satisfy your questions. Thanks
Hello Stefano, I believe in an older version you provided access to a log file that had dates/times with the service provider. I can't seem to find a way to see that in this newer renamed app.
Ciao ionata, purtroppo é un problema della emui (interfaccia di Huawei) sembra che si risolva con un aggiornamento della emui(almeno così mi ha riportato un altro utente). Mi spiace ma non c'è niente che io possa fare, qualsiasi app che utilizza icone variabili nella status bar su questa release di emui ha lo stesso problema. Grazie
Hallo, in list isn't Postemobile logo, it's more important virtual mobile phone operator in Italy...
ReplyDeleteit's under Vodafone mobile phone line...
greetings, thank you
Not a problem, scheduled for the next update, but i need to know the mcc code, you will find it in the Phono activity near the nation field, something start with 222x.
Hi Tom, open Phono activity (app menu or tap on widget) menu botton, preferences, widget notification, choose the kind of notification you wish to recive (always, only if in roaming, never).
ReplyDeleteThats all
it shows only one operator logo. is there any way to get dual sim logo?
DeleteI'm working on, i have to find a trick because android doesn't support natively the dual SIM devices so developers hasn't the instrument to implement it. Thanks
DeleteVery good.
ReplyDeleteIt is possible having only the operator name (and not the logo) in the status bar?
Opreator logo is sometimes not so readable...
Ciao Diego, i tryed to do it but the text disappears after some seconds, unfortunatly the logo is the only way for to have a permanent message in the status bar,,,,,,
ReplyDeleteI`m thinking about it again but will be not a sure and fast result.....,
Tell me witch logo you use, i could try to do it more visible as possible.
Wind IT
ReplyDeleteIn the release 1.3b the Wind's logo is improved, hope it became more readable....
Thank's ;-)
ReplyDeleteProbably the feature Tom requested at October 11, 2010 12:50 AM was implemented; I can use the app with only the operator logo now (stating: Not in Roaming.@OPERATOR time time)
ReplyDeleteHowever I think there is a little bug. As soon as I start roaming the antenna icon nicely informs me about being on the costly side. But when I come back in my own country the antenna icon remains (with text: In Roaming.@OPERATOR time time). This text should be cleared and the antenna icon should be removed.
Haven't check the app out in much detail, but I think i'm going to like it ;-)
Thanks RoBo for your report, I will personally test it for this bug and we will fix in the next releases.
ReplyDeleteWe are very happy if you'll like it!!
ReplyDeleteThanks again I verify it and fixed for the next release.
hi, able to add logos for the 3 telcos in singapore?
52503F#M1-3GSM#SGP M1-3GSM
52504F#M1-3GSM#SGP M1-3GSM
Hi infernose, sure we are able.
ReplyDeleteWill be included in 1.3c release.
This will be the last request for this release, all the futures will be included in the next one.
Thanks for adding Slovenian operators in version 1.3c, works good.
ReplyDeleteOnly Tusmobil logo is not good visible, I would suggest only to add logo without text, like this,r:13,s:326&biw=1073&bih=676
ReplyDeleteOk, scheduled for next update.
Thanks for the report!
Bug report: Verizon logo showing with Sprint service. Widget and program state Sprint in text which is right, however shows Verizon logo depicted on app, widget and status bar
ReplyDeleteHi Brandon, thanks for your report, could you tell us your country code? You will find it on activity.
ReplyDeleteThanks again.
@ Brandon
ReplyDeleteWe worked on your issue and we don't find apparently any error on code, we would suggest you to remove the widget from home and replace it again.
Please let us know the result!
If the problem persist take a look to on activity (tap on widget) and let us know witch logo it show and the country code showed near the nation, in your case 310120.
@infernose Singapore logos
ReplyDeleteWe inserted it, please tell us your country code.
You find it by Tapping on widget, and reading the Nation field.
E' possibile x l'applicazione dare anche informazioni sulla cella che si sta utilizzando? Farebbe ancora piu prof. ;-)) siete dei grandi grazie!
ReplyDeleteCiao Roberto, grazie del tuo interessamento a Phono, dimmi quali altre info vorresti avere.
ReplyDeleteGrazie ancora!
Stefano grazie per la risposta, trovo il vs. widget davvero carino e con un aspetto molto professionale. Sul mio telefono alla voce "nome della linea" non compare niente, questo mi ha fatto pensare se fosse possibile visualizzare il nome o la sigla della cella che si sta utilizzando, presumo abbiano un codice. Un saluto ciao!
ReplyDeleteIl nome della linea è un campo che viene utilizzato in modi purtroppo diversi, in alcuni paesi viene usato per le sim che hanno più numeri di telefono e quindi identifica la linea al momento attiva (es:privata o lavoro), sono certo che questo metodo è utilizzato dal 90% dei provider, sulle sim tedesche invece è usato per scrivere il nome di eventuali operatori virtuali.
Il nome linea è comunque un campo legato alla sim e non alla cella.
Certamente le celle hanno un nome, di solito numerico e abbastanza inutile, comunque ne stavamo parlando tra di noi proprio ieri sera, quindi non escluderei che in una delle prossime release tu possa trovare alcune informazioni in più sulla cella!
Grazie e per qualsiasi altra curiosità o richiesta non farti scrupoli a contattarci.
ciao Stefano, ho installato la tua app e devo dire tutto ok.nella barra delle notifiche ho anche l'indicatore di batteria(%)a sx e la scritta operatore viene potrebbe spostare il logo operatore da sx a dx? vicino la barra del mio operatore è tim e il logo è piccolo.grazie
ReplyDeleteGrazie Nick per il commento, ho letto anche a quello che hai scritto sul market, ti rispondo a punti:
- Logo tim
Purtroppo è un problema dei loghi rettangolari, la dimensione standard è 40x40, ma se il logo è rettangolare....
- Logo a destra
Purtroppo la parte destra della barra è riservata al sistema, non c'è modo di intervenire con una apk su quel lato. (per cortesia mi manderesti più dettagli sulla apk della batteria in modo da cercare di ricreare la situazione?).
- Operatore in testo
È purtroppo impossibile mettere del testo permanente nella barra, quello che vedi permanente è sempre una icona.
The first impression is positive, but why is the app allowed to "change network connectivity"? What's behind that?
ReplyDeleteHi Sarah, there is nothing behind that, this permission is used for to get a broadcast receiver when your mobile connection change and shows it on widgets (all the Phono widgets shows the mobile data status with on or off and 4x1 shows with graphical icon). If you look deep on the requested permission Phono use only the view network state class.
ReplyDeleteI hope my explain clears your dubt althought contact me via mail.
Hello... it's possible to add Noverca italia logo??
ReplyDeleteNoverca is a mobile virtual operator that uses other operator's network, is therefore currently impossible to distinguish it from the network owner, but we are working on....we need only time ...thanks and sorry
Noverca è un operatore mobile virtuale che si appoggia a reti di altri operatori, è quindi al momento impossibile poterlo distinguere dal proprietario della rete, ci stiamo comunque lavorando, abbiamo solo bisogno di un po' di tempo.....mi spiace grazie
Ps se vuoi maggiori spiegazioni scrivimi pure via mail.
ReplyDeleteis there any way to show the BASE operator logo instead of the E-Plus logo? BASE uses the network of E-Plus, so it shows the E-Plus logo.
@User1977 at the moment the actual release of Phono doesn't support virtual operators, we are working on for to support it. Sorry
ReplyDeleteI've Galaxy S II . On 4x1 widget , the signal show at 180 %, 56 ASU and 85 dB. I think there should be something wrong.
ReplyDelete@nont, Thanks I will working on
ReplyDeletegran lavoro ragazzi!
Segnalo solo una piccola inesattezza grafica nel logo dell'operatore italiano WIND.
C'è una netta sfasatura tra la parte superiore e la parte inferiore: il puntino arancione dovrebbe corrispondere alla lettera "I" sottostante.
Se il problema dovesse essere lo spazio a disposizione, allora vi suggerirei di lasciare solo la parte superiore del logo (straconosciuto da tutti), magari contornando la parte blu col bianco per gli sfondi scuri.
PS: se può interessarvi "phono" funziona regolarmente anche su Acer Liquid con gingerbread 2.3.3
@Gino, Grazie della segnalazione, la inoltro a Tom (Phono Dev Team) che si occupa dei loghi.
ReplyDeletePerfetto, il problema del 2.3.3 sembra essere relativo al Samsung S2, grazie del test! ;)
innanzitutto i miei complimenti per l'ottimo widget, utile ed esauriente
ReplyDeletepoi avrei un suggerimento che sà di richeista informazioni
ho notato che mettendo il telefono (garmin-asus a10 OS eclair) in modalità aereo segnalava, comunque, la potenza di segnale e se impostato il nome dell'operatore 'personalizzato' questo non spariva
magari sarebbe più chiaro per l'utente aggiungere anche una piccola gif che 'sbarri' il logo operatore, a significare che al momento non viene usato il segnale GSM/GPRS oppure convertirlo in b/n...
@P.Franco, grazie per il suggerimento, lo aggiungo alle cose da fare!
ReplyDelete@Danny, I have some tech questions about, please mail me. Thanks
ReplyDeletethe widget ist absolutely GREAT!!!
I do already know that there is an issue regarding Honeycomb... I tried Phono today with my Acer ICONIA A501 (running 3.0.1; by the way this is an incredible device!) and the provider logo keeps on flashing on, off, on, off. This is really looking funny he he he he he he. When do you plan to release a new and fixed version?
Best regards,
Hi Werner, thanks for to support us :)
ReplyDeleteI'm working on some other issues ....i think to release it middle/end of next week, if you could not wait write me a mail a will send you the Phono with honeycomb issue fixed ;)
Hi Stefano !
ReplyDeleteNow I have the Galaxy S2, and most times the operaterlogo will not displayed on the statusbar. So I have to start phono an 2nd time per hand !
@mike, please write me a mail, I have some questions (eg: is it happen from last release with honeycomb notification fix or it happened before too?) . Thanks
ReplyDeleteIs there a way to add our own operator logo? I live in Qatar and you dont have their Qtel logo.
ReplyDelete@Stu, i'm sorry there isn't a way, caused logos must be compiled inside the apk, but isn't a problem, send me the mnc (you will find it in the Phono activity near country field) and i will add it in the next update.
ReplyDeleteThanks Stefano. Its Qtel 4271
@Stu, you are welcome.
ReplyDeleteThanks, your logo is scheduled for next release
hello I like very much the operator's logo in status area but I don't like notify "phono-operator status" in notify area. Is it possible to hide it?
ReplyDeletethank you
ReplyDeleteGreat app. but one suggestion. The 1x4 and 4x4 widgets have transparent backgrounds but the 1x2 does not. Is it possible to have the 1x2 widget changed to have a transparent background?
Thanks for your great work.
@uscio, if it will be possible I will add as optional. Thanks to support us
ReplyDeleteSorry wrong name typing : Iscio instead uscio
ReplyDelete@mbw722, hi Mark, I'm happy you like Phono, 2x1 has transparent style, its named ghost (black or white is the same after color text introduction) .
ReplyDeleteWrite me for any future request.
ReplyDeleteGreat job and thanks for making my home screen even better with your awesome widgets, however I see in your country and nation code list you have Airtel India 40440,40431,40551 I am on Airtel India too but my code is 40445, please update that if its not much of a trouble.
One thing more Airtel india has changed there LOGO recently, I don't know what logo is there in your database already but the new logo is
Thanks and regards
@samuel, Thanks to appreciate it, your request is scheduled for the next release. The logo you sent is exactly what we used (without the Airtel text).
ReplyDeleteThanks for your help
привет, я нашел ошибку находясь в роуменге программа не пишет это как исправить?
ReplyDeletebefore I translate your post:"Hi, I found an error while roaming program does not write this as a fix?"
answer: could you write me a mail? I need more details! till now nobody report roaming problems, I have a device constantly in roaming and Phono works perfectly.
Is SGS2 will be fixed in next release?
ReplyDelete@redvex, no it will not fix cause isen't a Phono bug as you can read here:
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, believe me!
Hi Stefano & C.,
ReplyDeletethanks for your work!
I'd like to have the operator name (or abbreviation, ex.: TIM) on the status bar instead of the operator logo. I see that others also requested the same in the past.
I know that you can't display text on the status bar, but the solution is very simple: just provide an icon set of logos containing only the operator name (i.e. text as an image).
Otherwise you could allow the user to select his own image set for logos.
Logos are often small and difficult to be recognized, especially when somebody travels abroad and is connected in roaming.
Thank you.
@andrea, ciao andrea e grazie di aver scritto.
ReplyDeleteText logo: we are already experimenting this solution.
Custom logos: Unfortunately Android does not allow png placed outside the apk for the statusbar icons.
For more details write me.
ReplyDeletethanx for creating phono. i like it very much. is it possible to have the option, not to show the phono operator status in the Notification border. it is taking space and i can see all info with the widgets.
@17eb42, thank you to appreciate it! What you asked is already possible (preferences -> show logo in statusbar) but it disables logo in status bar too.....if you want the logo on status bar the notification way is the only possible.
ReplyDeleteCongrats for your Phono app! I use it on a regular basis and I have to tell you that it is great. In my opinion the best "Antenna app" in the Android market.
ReplyDeleteOne little tip: In the android market use more keywords on the page of your app. This will help users spot your app more easily and will boost the downloading
Some keywords are: antenna widget, gsm, antenna signal and so on
Hope this help
@Frank, ti ringrazio moltoooo! I'm always happy to listen satisfy users ;). I will follow your precious suggest. thanks again
ReplyDeleteCiao, ho scaricato oggi l'App per il mio cellulare android! Siccome non ho trovato l'impostazione, vorrei chiedere se è possibile ricevere un alert (solo se siamo in roaming) prima di una chiamata e prima dell'invio di un sms (così posso sfruttare consapevolmente la mia tariffa flat sotto copertura del mio operatore principale) grazie mille!
ReplyDelete@leonardinha, l'opzione che cerchi è nelle preferenze sotto il nome di notifiche del widget, automaticamente il sistema è impostato a segnalarti nella status bar attraverso una icona a forma di antenna rossa lo stato di roaming. Ti ricordo inoltre che il logo del gestore cambia quando sei in roaming (es: se hai tre e vai in roaming con tim il logo 3 verrà sostituito con quello tim) così pure per il nome operatore nel widget. Per ulteriore aiuto puoi utilizzare l'opzione richiesta logo specificando il problema nel menù di phono.
ReplyDeleteWhere can I download the update?
ReplyDelete@vitalik, When it will be ready on android market (like always)
ReplyDeleteif possible correct issue with android 2.3 issue with samsung phones and add tata docomo logo for logo visit
ReplyDelete@Hlren Trivendi, the android 2.3 issue with samsung phones is a samsung bug ( and i'm sorry for this issue but I can't do or change nothing.....
ReplyDeleteTata logo: Tata logo is already supported, please use "operator name" or "line name" method.
Try out the logo helper in Phono menu for to set the right method. Here a little guide:
If you'll get problems with it let me know. Thanks
ReplyDeleteShould I request and Czech language to Phono.
It's a great program and has more settings just enough damage that it does not Czech.
Please you very much.
Thank you very much
Hi Mirek, I just received your mail, at the moment I'm very busy with my work, shortly i will write you for arrange it. Thanks
ReplyDelete@PP, write me a mail peas.
ReplyDeletei deleted your comment for mistake, sorry!
Here your original comment:
"PP wrote:
Bonjour et merci pour cette excellente application. La traduction en français serai la bienvenue si réalisable Merci
Hello and thank you for this excellent application. The French translation will be welcome if feasible thank you"
please add Umniah jo logo and this is logo
ReplyDelete@Muhannad Shalabi, Scheduled for next release with mccmnc 41603. Thanks
ReplyDeletethank you so much...
ReplyDeletehi i can't catch the UMNIAH logo the standard code is 4163 not 41603 please check the problem...
ReplyDelete@Muhannad, dont be worry, in blog we use standard format, mcc (xxx)+mnc (xx), for us mnc is xxx format. In apk we arrange it in android format. Thanks
ReplyDeleteBest apk!
Is it somehow possible switch to a custom png ?
Otherwise, can you kindly add a colourful H3G ita logo?
@Broogle, unfortunately all PNG must be compiled and stored inside the apk....:(
ReplyDeleteif you wish use colored 3 logos please set custom operator name 3dk (orange logo) 3uk (blue logo) and use the right method (
Don't be worry for the roaming it will warning anyway for Italy carriers.
If you'll need more help write me a mail or post a comment here.
Why when I lost the signal carrier on the widget appears signal level at 180%?
ReplyDelete@lucasuper its a bug in the signal strength algorithm, I'll fix in the next release. Thanks
ReplyDeleteI would like to display in the status bar only the name, not the logo, you can add this feature in the next update of phono?
ReplyDeleteI do not like logos displayed only operator name
expect a reply
thanks and congratulations for the app
@Mirko, unfortunately android doesn't support permanent text on status bar....I'm working to find an acceptable solution.
Hi there! Like Danny, I also have a dual-sim android phone - with two SIM-cards. Phono application only shows the details of the first SIM-card. I would appreciate it a lot if you had a dual-sim layout to the widget of your Android application with the details of the two SIM-cards, including status of the network like "Emergency calls only", for instance. Have you already thought about it?
ReplyDeleteBest regards
Hi!, I already thought many times about it, but unfortunately Android does not support multiple SIMs, at least from the SDK. Device manufacturers who have created multi-SIM devices are doing so on their own.
DeleteI already contact some of them for ask to publish the source code or an additional API to support multi sim....but they answered me that it is not is closed source.... :-( I'm sorry!
Would be nice to have an option to display only the operator icon persistently in the upper left corner, but without the full notification bar ("phono-operator status, not in roaming... @OP_NAME LAST_UPDATED").
ReplyDeleteI mean, icon says everything I want to know and the notification bar just clutters the notification area. I don't care if the op information was updated at 17:21:30 or 17:21:35, new email is more important, really.
Also if you have another app updating it's own notification bar like JuiceDefender, those bars keep shifting up and down, trading places.
Thanks and keep up the good work :)
Hi Konrad, you're right but isn't possible....for show icons on the status bar you need a notification and android doesn't allows to fix a position to it.
DeleteA little solution could be to set enable the honeycomb fix in the Phono preferences and set the ongoing position to the notification (always in Phono preferences).
Honeycomb fix will update the notification only if operator change, the ongoing option will fix the notification in the first position of the bar (not really the first but very close, it depends by other apk use it).
Hope it will help.
Is it possible to autostart Phono (after reboot or power on)?
ReplyDeleteHi Damjan, Phono doesn't need an autostart , it listen for signal strenght change or connection change and it start, update the widget and get close. If you have problem at the boot please write me a mail.
I would like to set the network operator from within the app.
ReplyDeleteIs it possible?
Is there an API function which changes network operator?
I would need something like
"setNetworkOperator"... Any help how to achieve this would be greatly
Ciao Pierpaolo, unfortunately or fortunately for safety reasons Android does not allow this function so programmatic but only through the system preferences.
Ciao, how to change logo and set a colorful one for H3G Italy?
ReplyDeleteCiao, you have to set a custom operator name and use the related method, following these steps:
DeleteOpen Phono
Operator name (write 3uk for blue logo, 3dk for orange logo) an Ok button
Logo helper and tap over the colored logo to choose the right method.
if you'll need more help write me.
Ciao non riesco più a vedere logo nella barra di stato. Non so cosa ho fatto...
ReplyDeleteHo provato a disinstallare app ma niente. Ho messo flag ma Nn lo visualizzo.
Grazie :-(
Risolto... Grazie. Avevo disabilitato notifiche :-)
ReplyDeleteCiao Roberta, bene!! se dovessi aver ancora bisogno scrivi pure.
DeleteHello. I use a dual SIM phone. Currently, Phono only reports the status of the first SIM. Do you plan to support dual SIM phones in the future ? Thanks a lot
ReplyDeleteThe problem isn't Phono, the Android API doesn't support dual sim device, every constructors of dual sim device develop them self the dual sim manager and they don't share the lib with other developers. I asked to many constructors support for it but they answered it's closed source.....I'm sorry!.
DeleteAbout the link you send me: this is a kernel not the api for developers....btw I will take a look for to understand if I could do something for improve dual sim manager....thanks
Deletethere is a new logo for 'pk 4101' Mobilink.
ReplyDeleteCould you please update it new release.
Scheduled. Thanks
DeleteBuongiorno e complimenti per questa app sicuramente la migliore nel suo genere! Vorrei chiedervi se fosse possibile aggiornare il logo WIND in quanto in modo che nella barra di stato si veda bene... al momento è troppo scuro e quasi non si riesce a vedere! (Galaxy S2)
ReplyDeleteGrazie e continuate così!
Buongiorno skynet81, grazie di usare ed apprezzare Phono, cercheremo di migliorare il logo di Wind. Grazie ancora del suggerimento!
DeleteQuando passo da 3a tim in roaming viene visualizzato il logo tim con la descrizione si.vodafone. come mai? Quale è la ondicazione corretta? Tim o si.vodafone?grazie
ReplyDeleteSalve Paola, la scritta Vodafone le esce perché probabilmente ha messo nelle preferenze di phono il nome operatore, provi a cancellare il nome operatore e vedrà che tutto si sistema. Se avesse bisogno di ulteriore aiuto ci contatti pure. Grazie
DeleteOvviamente l'indicazione corretta è il logo!
DeleteHo guardato tutte le opzioni ma ho visto che non si possono impostare i nomi degli operatori in roaming ma solo quello del proprio. Io ho 3 e quindi quando va in roaming su tim non posso impostare quel nome. Quindi non so proprio come poter fare per riproporre la descrizione corretta con il logo tim in modo che non compaia la descrizione si.vodafone che è un operatore sloveno. Potete dirmi passo passo eventuali operazioni da fare? Grazie
DeletePer cortesia potrebbe usare la funzione "richiesta logo" dal menù di Phono sia quando è in roaming che quando non lo è per inviarmi due mail che mi aiutano a capire la situazione ed a darle il giusto supporto?
Noto con dispiacere che da diverso tempo non escono aggiornamenti per questa ottima app... ne sono previsti? Grazie!
ReplyDeleteCiao, il progetto è vivo, nonostante la frequenza degli aggiornamenti è molto bassa. Tra poco inizieremo a lavorare alla prossima release, Grazie
DeleteHi, any progress about dual SIM?
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately not.....I'm waiting for an answer to my reiterated request ....:-( I'm sorry
DeleteBuongiorno, ho installato questa app su un S4 su rete Wind: ol logo è piccolissimo e scro e quindi si vede pochissimo ( ma questo già ve lo hanno segnalato, però ho cercato di visualizzare anche la scritta dell'operatore (I Wind) l'ho anche inserita manualmente in NOME GESTORE. Niente ! non,lo visualizza. Se faccio riavviare il telefono si vede per un atimo e poi scompare.
ReplyDeleteCome posso risolvere ?
Buongiorno Massimo, sul logo ci stiamo lavorando anche se non nascondo che è dura riuscire a farlo ben visibile. Per il nome dell'operatore nella barra invece non è possibile, android non permette testo permanente nella barra di stato. L'opzione che hai settato tu si riferisce esclusivamente al widget. Mi spiace. Graxie
DeleteHi! Thanks for good widget! Please add the possibility not to display information in the notification, but the logo has remained in the status bar. Thanks in advance!
ReplyDeleteHi, it's not possible, android require a notification to shows icon in status bar....:-(
DeleteHi ... i use double sim card, can phono add 2 logo in status bar?
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately no, cause android api support only one sim, the sim manager is closed source and developed by the device constructors .....I'm sorry 😞😞
DeleteHey could you add this Croatian virtual operators logos
ReplyDeletehr 2191 bonbon and this Tomato
scheduled. thanks
DeleteThanks you're the best :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for your extension.
Could you add switch to on and off WiFi
Hi, nice idea, scheduled for the next release. Thanks
DeleteHi...Help me. I own a huawei p7 with kitkat official rooted rom that does not change the carrier name only shows the icon. Besides this problem I suggest the option of replacing the name by operator logo and the creation a pro version of software with pro functions and not just donation option. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteHi Jack, as answered on the play store Phono shows only the logo and not the carrier name, that's because Android doesn't support permanent text in the status bar.....I'm sorry for this, I already try in many way to add the carrier name but not one of these was enough acceptable to be included in the release....I'm very open to any suggestions if you want write me. Thanks
DeleteGreat app thanks - it is installed on my 2 android phones and very convenient especially when using the phones in areas with poor network coverage.
ReplyDeleteToday I have noticed a small issue and wondered if you could resolve it.
In fact the Phone Line Nr shown by phono is the original SIM card number and not the new one ported from another SIM card/Operator to the card.
Is there anyway your app could access and display the real - i.e. ported - number?
Hi Fred, thanks to using Phono, phone number is stored in the SIM card and cannot be modified, but you could set your number using the Phono preferences: menu->preferences->phone number and edit your right phone number.
DeleteHope it helps you, if you'll need more support write me for direct help.
Hi, is possible add 5x1 widget for Lg G3 or Huawey MATE?
Grazie di usare Phono! Sto lavorando per un widget ridimensionabile....ho solo bisogno di un po' di tempo :-(
DeleteGrazie del suggerimento!
Fantastico... oramai con i cellulari a risoluzione full-hd o quad come il G3 le colonne aumentano di numero
DeleteCerto...l'unico problema per me è avere il tempo....:-(
DeleteHi im with bell....and it only display in blue configuration....any way to make it white like my status bar? In with lollipop
ReplyDeleteHi Eric, thanks to using Phono, I will think on it, the only problem I see is that not all the supported logos are readable if converted in lollipop style.....
DeleteHi Eric, thanks to using Phono, I will think on it, the only problem I see is that not all the supported logos are readable if converted in lollipop style.....
DeleteHi Eric, thanks to using Phono, I will think on it, the only problem I see is that not all the supported logos are readable if converted in lollipop style.....
Deletehi stephano...first thank you to respond!!! it will be appreciate to have the bell logo " just the letters" in white configuration....keep your good work!!!
ReplyDeleteyou're welcome! I will try to do my best for understand if this option could be apreciated from other Bell users. many thanks
DeleteIs it possible to include in next releases the band (frequency) that the mobile phone is using?. For instance band 20 (800MHz), 3 (1800 MHz), etc.
ReplyDeleteThank you in advance.
Thanks to use Phono!
DeleteI will take a look your request, if it will be possible without add internet permission I will implement.
I won't to give Internet Permission to Phono for preserving the users privacy and for not give to anybody the suspect of privacy issue.
Thank you in advance. For me it would be perfect if you can get an implement this information without internet permissions.
DeleteThe main reason because I find this information useful is for instance if I'm using LTE, is if I'm under 800MHz coverage or other.
Again thank you and my congratulations for your wonderful application.
I will try to do my best!
Thank you for using Phono, unfortunately, Android does not natively supports dual SIM. Phono does not detect the second SIM because there are no tools in Android software developer kit to do it. I'm sorry!
ReplyDeleteAndroid 6.0 started to partially support natively dual sim, but there aren't yet the needed api. I'm very careful to it. Tyanks
ReplyDeleteI like to set the carrier logo for the custom operator name. I write the operator name and when i go to the logo helper i only see the operator name but i see no carrier logo. Can you help me please?
Which operator are you try to setting? Thanks
DeleteWhich operator are you try to setting? Thanks
DeleteChina Telecom. Thanks.
DeleteAdded in 1.9e release as name logo based please use the right method to link the logo, use this little guide:
Hi, thanks to using Phono, I need to know where Phono doesn't change the provider name, in the widget?
ReplyDeleteYou have to know that the carrier name is a network parameter sending by the tower, Phono read it and could only change it in the widget.....Let me know. Thanks
Please write me an email, for direct support, I need more details and screenshot. Thanks
ReplyDeletePlease write me an email, for direct support, I need more details and screenshot. Thanks
ReplyDeleteYou can write me using Phono, menu logo request option. Thanks
ReplyDeleteGreat app, thank you for your great work. Any chances to add Dual Sim - widget info for android 4.2.2
ReplyDeleteThanks to using Phono, unfortunately Phono shows only one sim that's because android doesn't support natively dual sim devices, so developers hasn't the instruments to do that. I'm sorry....
DeleteHi support,
ReplyDeleteI have a nexus 6p with Google project fi service. Phono stopped picking up the mobile data "on" flag. Hence app and widget always say Data off even then wifi is turned off. Please advise. Thanks.
P.S: I have Uninstalled and reinstalled the app, and also tried deleting cache and memory.
Hi, are you using some kind of task manager app? I'm not able to replicate the issue, i'm on nexus 5x with android 7.1.1.....could you write me via email just to give you direct support? Thanks
DeleteHi, I like this kind of widget application. The hard work shows in the display when running the app, say widget. First thanks for making this as widget and not as app. app requires tab everytime you need to know. Widget readily gives and i will look in to the settings for further working.
ReplyDeleteMy request is could the widget capture the char of the connected tower, technically known as cell id information, as i used to get thro nokia and samsung older phones.
This gives operator logo and bunch of information, in a nice sized on home screen. Does that need cell provider permission.
I have cell broadcast menu and when i enabled , it gives me that char (characer in name of the cell tower), but as SMS, Probably due to presence of menu in msg settings.
Am i expecting something impossible. User would get the name of the tower from which he is getting the signal. If he moves, that shoul capture the current place information. expecting reply
Thanks Raj to use and appreciate Phono, what you request needs internet permission and we prefer don't gives this permission for privacy guarantee to the users.
DeleteHope you understand our position. Thanks
android saya dual simcard tapi hanya sim1 yang tampil logonya, bagaimana agar sim1 dan sim2 juga tampil logonya?
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry but unfortunately there is no way to show the second sim slot.... android doesn't support natively dual sim device, so developers hasn't the instrument for implement this function.
DeleteHi, I am using your phono and it is nice to see all the things of screen of selection in phone screen. But when wifi and mobile data are both selected, what would be your status. If i closes the mobile data the icon go red and if i open, it turns red. What if i select wifi, the icon remains red, as that relates to mobile data. where to find the wifi icon? pl.
ReplyDeleteMoreover, kindly look in to the phono display. My device storage is wrongly shown as SD storage and vice versa. Would you care to look in to this
Hi Raj, thanks to using Phono and to wrote a nice review about it! The flag is only related to the mobile data, Phono suppose that if you are on WiFi your mobile data are off. I don't know which device are you using, but on Nexus (SD not present) Phono shows as SD the data partition. Hope it can satisfy your questions. Thanks
DeleteHello Stefano, I believe in an older version you provided access to a log file that had dates/times with the service provider. I can't seem to find a way to see that in this newer renamed app.
ReplyDeleteHi, it's a function we think to implement in the future, it was never applied in any version. Thanks
Deleteciao stefano,
ReplyDeleteho un problema con il P9 plus : al posto del logo tim mi visualizza il logo dell'app phono ...
come rimediare ?
Ciao ionata, purtroppo é un problema della emui (interfaccia di Huawei) sembra che si risolva con un aggiornamento della emui(almeno così mi ha riportato un altro utente). Mi spiace ma non c'è niente che io possa fare, qualsiasi app che utilizza icone variabili nella status bar su questa release di emui ha lo stesso problema.
hai ragione, perché con il mate 9 e android 7 nougat, è tutto OK
DeleteGrazie del report! Spero ti arrivi presto l'aggiornamento. Grazie
DeletePhono App shows only one sim operator only I want two sims plzzzz help meee sir
ReplyDeleteMr. Unknown please read here: