16 April, 2013

DashNet & DashCallLog on xda

Many thanks to Samantha, the great xda news writer, my two new DashClock extensions are on xda main page!
This is a great payback for a developer :-)

Don't miss the article http://www.xda-developers.com/android/your-network-and-call-log-on-your-dashclock/

Many thanks to all my friends helped me to test these extensions:

12 April, 2013

DashCallLog extension for DashClock

DashCallLog is an extension for Dashclock widget that showing the last call and optionally the last received / dialed and missed calls.

For each call will be displayed:
  • Call type
  • Caller name (number if absent)
  • Date and time (in optional formats)
  • Duration

The last call, regardless of type, will always be displayed, if the default options will be activated the secondary lines will be shown the last received calls / made ​​or lost.
Can also select the date format and the format of the type of call, including graphics, text, both, or none.
If there are no calls DashCallLog will not be shown.

Tapping on the widget will open the call history.
Suggestions and comments are welcome!


DashNet extension update 1.2

Just update DashNet as some users requested, here the changelog:
  • Added optionally WiFi signal strength dBm in the main widget (be careful it could use more battery, not in my test, and cause some blinking in the widget)
  • Added optionally the option to hide DashNet from main widget if in WiFi

About the WiFi signal strength I tested for some week and I did not notice a drain on the battery, I noted on my nexus7 (WiFi only) a fairly frequent blinking in DashClock, that doesn't happened on my Galaxy Nexus.....so take it as it is, I'm here to listen suggestions and comments.